Author: guy woodward

3 tax perks of charitable giving

International Day of Charity is held annually each 5 September. The date is significant as it’s the anniversary of the death of Mother Teresa. This year, as the UK contends with a cost of living

What the triple lock could mean for your State Pension in 2023

Your retirement income will probably come from more than one source. As well as your workplace pension, you might have ISA investments or rental income from buy-to-let properties. But it’s important not to forget your

Looking to engage more with your household finances? Help could be at hand

If you are married or in a long-term relationship, you and your partner’s finances are likely linked in some way. This might be through a joint bank account or life insurance policies with each other

The importance of staying calm when the stock market falls

In a climate of rising living costs and low savings rates, cash held in high street banks is effectively losing value in real terms. Investments – in the right circumstances – can offer the chance