
Strictly Logic Dancing

Our very own Vicki recently celebrated a rather significant birthday and kindly invited us all to head over to Nettlebed for an evening of waltzin’ and sashayin’ down to the tunes of the brilliant, fantastic

A new look for Logic!

Some news! We recently decided that it’s time to refresh our look & feel. So we’ll shortly be rolling out a new brand for Logic. In the few years since the company started, we’ve changed

Every scam begins with a belief

Scams are becoming more prevalent as criminals create even more inventive ways to defraud people of their money. A particular area of concern relates to HMRC (Her Majesty’s Revenue & Customs) where tax scams are

Susi steps out

Every year I try and push myself out of my comfort zone to raise money for charity. I am not well known for my athletic ability, and am carrying slightly more excess baggage than I