Care Planning
More and more of us will need some kind of long-term care during our later years. One of the main concerns for our clients is not wanting to burden their family with paying for – and sometimes even having to provide – their own care.
Covering areas including:
You won’t know how long care will be needed for, so paying for it can be an open-ended financial commitment. The amount you pay will depend on your income, savings, assets and where you live.
There are many factors to consider, such as whether care is to be provided in your own home or in a residential home, and the level of support you will need. There are many ways to pay for care and it’s important to look at all the options to see which is right for you.
Whether you’re planning ahead for long-term care, or you just need to find an urgent solution, it’s important to get advice from experts who can help you work out the best option for your needs and circumstances.
We have specialist qualified care fees advisers, accredited by the Society of Later Life Advisers, with extensive knowledge and experience of this complex market. They can help you find a way of funding your long-term care that is suitable for your needs, affordable both now and in the future and fits with your and your family’s financial priorities.
We can also advise on …
Logic are professional, knowledgeable and extremely helpful… excellent advice on financial, pension and employment-related business matters. I would recommend them for all aspects of financial planning.
It’s because of you (we do what we do)
It may sound like the title of a song Bryan Adams should have sung, but it’s true that we wouldn’t be in business if we didn’t think we could help people make better financial decisions and enable them to lead a more financially secure life as a result.